Universität Innsbruck

Christiane Mitterer

I was honored to take part in the Erasmus Staff Exchange as a representative of Universität Innsbruck and to experience a three-day exchange including job shadowing at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II. During my visit I got an insight into the administrative structures of  Federico II and I was able to discuss relevant topics such as digitization and the design of efficient (HR) processes.
During job shadowing at employees' workplaces I had a chance to compare different document and user management systems used at UIBK and Federico II.
I am very pleased to have gained many impressions and feedback from an institution that is successful in the Digital Environment!

Christiane Mitterer
Team HR Data Management, Evolution & Analysis – Universität Innsbruck
Statement on the occasion of the Staff Exchange at Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II

Weitere Testimonials

M. Schießling, M. Gratzer, Larissa Jenewein, Isabella Göschl (left to right)


Emma Pribak

Emma Pri­bak

Napoli Bild Zeitel-Bank

Nata­scha Zei­tel-Bank

Valerie Bauder

Vale­rie Bau­der