Universität Innsbruck

Emilie Clement

My name is Emilie Clement. I am an exchange student from the Université Paris-Est Créteil at Universität Innsbruck. I study law, business law to be more precise, and I choose to embark on the Erasmus experience to discover new ways of learning, and internationalize my diploma. As a law student, being a part of such a meeting was a great opportunity to apply to a real situation what I have learned during my exchange here and back at the UPEC during my bachelor. I think the Aurora program is a great opportunity for both universities. In a period of globalisation, law and every other subject goes beyond national borders. This program offers the opportunity to study in different countries and I think that to succeed in our careers nowadays it can be one of the most important things. 

Emilie Clement 
Statement on the ocassion of the bilateral Rectorate meeting between 
Université Paris-Est Créteil and Universität Innsbruck 

Weitere Testimonials

Maria Schießling, Max Gratzer, Larissa Jenewein, Isabella Göschl (left to right)

Maria Schieß­ling, Max Grat­zer, Larissa Jene­wein, Isa­bella Göschl

Emma Pribak

Emma Pri­bak

Napoli Bild Zeitel-Bank

Nata­scha Zei­tel-Bank

Valerie Bauder

Vale­rie Bau­der