Universität Innsbruck

Emma Pribak

The fact of having been able to participate in this meeting is an excellent opportunity to know more about this program and the objectives, this kind of cooperation is really important and very beneficial because a person with an international and European profile is very interesting and put ahead. This alliance will facilitate exchanges between students and innovations in research. There is only positive in all this. 

Emma Pribak 

Exchange student – Université Paris-Est Créteil 
Statement on the occasion of the bilateral Rectorate meeting between 
Université Paris-Est Créteil and Universität Innsbruck 

Weitere Testimonials

Maria Schießling, Max Gratzer, Larissa Jenewein, Isabella Göschl (left to right)

Admi­nis­tra­tive staff

Emilie Clement

Emi­lie Cle­ment

Napoli Bild Zeitel-Bank

Dr. Nata­scha Zei­tel-Bank

Valerie Bauder

Vale­rie Bau­der