Universität Innsbruck

Valerie Bauder

It is with great appreciation that I look back on the last two weeks at the European Forum Alpbach 2022!
Starting with the seminar with Kai Hockerts, Johann Füller, Katja Hutter, Robert Schimpf and Anne-Karen Hüske , where I was able to learn about social entrepreneurship and make my first pitch. On to my second seminar with Reinhard Steurer, who motivated us to activism with his comprehensive educational presentation of the #climatecrisis.
I am very grateful for so many great experiences at #EFA22! Many thanks to the Leopold-Franzens Universität Innsbruck and Aurora Universities for giving me this fantastic opportunity!

Valerie Bauder

MA Student - Universität Innnsbruck
Statement on the Aurora course "Social Entrepreneurship & Innovation focusing Sustainability & Climate Change"
which included short-term mobility at the European Forum Alpbach  

Weitere Testimonials

Maria Schießling, Max Gratzer, Larissa Jenewein, Isabella Göschl (left to right)

Admi­nis­tra­tive staff

Emma Pribak

Emma Pri­bak

Napoli Bild Zeitel-Bank

Dr. Nata­scha Zei­tel-Bank

Emilie Clement

Emi­lie Cle­ment