University of Innsbruck


COVID-19: Latest information

Map of Western Europe with the names of the partners involved

Quan­tum simu­la­tor pro­ject enters second round

PASQuanS2 aims to develop next-generation programmable, large-scale atomic quantum simulators operating with up to 10,000 atoms building on the successful European Quantum Flagship project PASQuanS and unites 25 academic and technology partners from Austria, France, Germany, Italy, Slovenia and Spain, among them the University of Innsbruck, IQOQI and the Spin-offs AQT und ParityQC.

View into a vacuum chamber, one hand holds a torch into the chamber

Two qudits fully entangled

Recently quantum computers started to work with more than just the zeros and ones we know from classical computers. Now a team at the University of Innsbruck, Austria, demonstrates a way to efficiently create entanglement of such high-dimensional systems to enable more powerful calculations.

More than 40 people stand on a staircase at the Campus Technik.

EU Flag­ship project Mil­lenion launched

The Mille­nion project focuses on modu­lar scala­bility and accessi­bility aspects of trapped-ion quan­tum com­puters, tackl­ing the tran­sition from current labora­tory-based experim­ents to industry-grade quan­tum com­puting tech­nologies. 14 aca­demic and indu­strial lea­ders across Europe are joining forces to deliver a modu­lar and scala­ble quan­tum com­puting suite with high perform­ance cluster inte­gration and a fault-tole­rant register of up to 1000 qubits.


Quan­tum liquid beco­mes solid when hea­ted

Solids can be melted by heating, but in the quan­tum world it can also be the other way around: In a joint effort, an experi­men­tal team led by Francesca Ferlaino in Inns­bruck, Austria, and a theo­ret­ical team led by Thomas Pohl in Aarhus, Denmark, show in Nature Communi­cations how a quantum liquid forms super­solid struc­tures by heating. 

7 persons standing

Col­la­bo­ra­tively explo­ring vital cal­cium chan­nels

Innsbruck is an internationally renowned center for voltage gated calcium channel research. A new generation of scientists at the University of Innsbruck and the Medical University Innsbruck continues this successful path. Based on the FWF-funded doctoral program CavX, the researchers are investigating together a wide range of calcium channel properties and functions in health and disease using the most state-of-the-art methods.

Ivana Stiperski and the students from the Field Course in Alpine Meteorology setting up the instruments at the “Hochhäuser” i-Box station in the Inn Valley.

Tur­bu­lence: Decades-old the­ory gets a major remake

Turbulence plays an essential role in weather and climate, and correctly representing its effects in numerical models is crucial for accurate weather forecasts and climate projections. However, the theory describing the effect of turbulence has not changed since its conception in 1950s, despite the fact that it is not representative for the majority of the Earth’s land surface, especially over mountains and polar regions. The Innsbruck meteorologist Ivana Stiperski has now extended the turbulence theory to complex atmospheric conditions.

Gregor Weihs and Veronika Sexl each with a yellow safety helmet on their head

Three Clus­ters of Excel­lence in Inns­bruck

With highly endowed clusters of excellence, the Austrian Science Fund FWF creates Austrian flagships of basic research. The University of Innsbruck will coordinate the Cluster of Excellence for Quantum Sciences and is involved in two Clusters of Excellence on political, social and cultural developments in Eurasia and on materials for energy conversion and storage.

Flagge der Ukraine weht im Wind.

War in Ukrai­ne: Uni Inn­bruck helps

The University of Innsbruck is dismayed by the war in Ukraine. A crisis team has been set up to deal with the situation and is working on concrete steps to support cooperation partners

28,106 Students all in 2022
4,000 Lectures per semester in the year 2022
62.9 million Euro third party funding and other revenue in the year 2022