University of Innsbruck

Aurora Spring Biannual Innsbruck 2022

Lecture Hall


Sowi Innsbruck




Golden Roof Innsbruck

Prac­ti­cal Infor­ma­tion

Uni Innsbruck


Aurora Spring Biannual, 10.–12.05.2022 

The Aurora Spring Biannual 2022 took place at Universität Innsbruck from 10.-12.05.2022. We would like to thank all speakers and contributors for their active participation in the Biannual, but also extend our gratitude to those that followed the sessions and working groups personally/virtually. With almost 200 participants, the 2022 spring edition of the Aurora Biannual was a great success and many groups achieved major progress during their time in Innsbruck. Please find below the links to the recorded plenary sessions, as well as some impressions from the Biannual meeting. 

Recorded Plenary Sessions

Impressions from the Biannual

Photos © Pictures: Birgit Pichler