University of Innsbruck

Supplementary Programme

You are studying at the University of Innsbruck and are enthusiastic about start-ups, company foundations or innovations? Then this is the right place for you! Founding a start-up is the latest trend. It's clear that it takes more than an office in a hip co-working space together with an office dog and cool tech gadgets. But what exactly does it take? The supplementary programme Entrepreneurship provides you with the necessary insights, skills and techniques to start your own business or successfully support established organizations.

Supplementary Programme Entrepreneurship

Guide  Detailed Information

Please note: the language of instruction for this programme is German.


Supplementary Programme

2 semesters/45 ECTS-Credits

Mode of Study


see detailed information

Information on the curriculum  

Expand competencies

Learning objectives

Learning objectives

  • identify your opportunities in the market
  • develop your ideas: from the first thought to the fully developed business plan
  • get to know business contexts
  • develop companies and business models with real innovations
  • navigate companies through the digital transformation
Target audience

Target audience

The supplementary programme is aimed at students and graduates who would like to broaden their qualification profile with a scientifically based and practice-oriented additional education in the field of entrepreneurship.



The admission to the supplementary programme requires admission to or previous completion of specific master's, diploma, or PhD programmes.
An overview of relevant studies follows

My added value

My added value

  • understanding of central concepts of entrepreneurship
  • know-how of the systematic implementation of a business idea
  • founding of your own start-up
  • understanding of all challenges of the digital transformation
  • development and introduction of innovative product & service developments in companies