University of Innsbruck

Master’s Programme
Banking and Finance

The Master's Degree Programme in Banking and Finance offers high-quality education and training designed to successfully cope with the challenges modern financial markets face. The programme delivers the necessary competencies to understand the economic mechanisms of financial markets, the complexity of managing financial institutions, and the complex behaviors of financial actors. Students will acquire a rigorous theoretical basis and the competence to apply theoretical knowledge to practical management situations.

Master's Programme: Banking and Finance

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Master of Science (MSc)

4 semesters/120 ECTS-Credits

Mode of Study


Relevant bachelor's degree or equivalent, language certificates

Information on the Curriculum

The right degree for me?



  • develop curiosity about and interest in financial markets and institutions
  • acquire the ability to think in economic as well as entrepreneurial terms
  • build up a solid background in quantitative and analytical tools
  • become comfortable with working with numbers
My career

My career

My career opportunities

  • employment in financial departments of industrial firms
  • positions in banks, insurance companies and related financial institutions
  • jobs in public institutions, such as central banks or regulatory bodies
  • work in specialised consulting firms

Career Service