University of Innsbruck

Master’s Programme
Business Education

The Master’s Degree Programme in Business Education combines topics in the fields of education, teaching and business studies. This programme promotes critical and ethically-reflective thinking and an intense self-examination of the students’ development of professional identity. At the intersection of education and economics graduates develop competencies in formulating and substantiating arguments academically and solving problems innovatively. The students acquire specialised knowledge in vocational education in the fields of business and economics.

Master's Programme: Business Education

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Please note: the language of instruction for this programme is German.


Master of Science (MSc)

5 semesters/150 ECTS-Credits

Mode of Study


Relevant bachelor's degree or equivalent, language certificates

Information on the curriculum

The right degree for me?



  • acquire knowledge and competencies in problem solving for business and educational activities
  • develop teamwork, conflict management, cooperative and leadership skills
  • learn self-organization and foster reflective thinking and self-examination
  • research and create vocational training concepts
  • combine theoretical knowledge, practical excecution and reflective thinking
My career

My career

My career opportunities

  • professions in vocational schools and continuing education
  • engage in research at the intersection of education and business sciences
  • work as education manager at educational institutions
  • management, planning, analysis, research and consulting positions in companies, in particular Human Resources Development
  • work as a consultant (career consultant/counselor, HR consultant, organisational development)
  • enrol in a PhD-Studium

Career Service