University of Innsbruck

Study programmes

Find out more about our study programmes and choose the right programme for you.

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Bachelor’s Programmes

Biol­ogy (Bach­e­lor)

Bachelor of Science

Busi­ness Law (Bach­e­lor)

Bachelor des Wirtschaftsrechts

Chem­istry (Bach­e­lor)

Bachelor of Science

French (Bach­e­lor)

Bachelor of Arts

Phar­macy (Bach­e­lor)

Bachelor of Science

Physics (Bach­e­lor)

Bachelor of Science

Diploma Programmes

Inter­na­tional Eco­nomics and Busi­ness Sciences (Di­plo­ma)

Magistra der Sozial- und Wirtschaftswissenschaften

Law (Di­plo­ma)

Magistra der Rechtswissenschaften

Law – Inte­grated Pro­gramme (Di­plo­ma)

Magistra der Rechtswissenschaften

Master’s Programmes

Archi­tec­ture (Master)


Botany (Master)

Master of Science

Busi­ness Law (Master)

Master des Wirtschaftsrechts

Chem­istry (Master)

Master of Science

Earth Sciences (Master)

Master of Science

His­tory (Master)

Master of Arts

Math­e­mat­ics (Master)


Mecha­tron­ics (Master)


Media (Master)

Master of Arts

Phar­macy (Master)

Magistra pharmaciae

Physics (Master)

Master of Science

Psy­chol­ogy (Master)

Master of Science

Sport Science (Master)

Master of Science

Zool­ogy (Master)

Master of Science

Secondary School Teacher Training

Chem­istry (Bach­e­lor/Master)

Bachelor/Master of Education

Com­puter Science (Bach­e­lor/Master)

Bachelor/Master of Education

English (Bach­e­lor/Master)

Bachelor/Master of Education

Ethics (Bach­e­lor/Master)

Bachelor/Master of Education

French (Bach­e­lor/Master)

Bachelor/Master of Education

Ger­man (Bach­e­lor/Master)

Bachelor/Master of Education

Greek (Bach­e­lor/Master)

Bachelor/Master of Education

Ital­ian (Bach­e­lor/Master)

Bachelor/Master of Education

Latin (Bach­e­lor/Master)

Bachelor/Master of Education

Math­e­mat­ics (Bach­e­lor/Master)

Bachelor/Master of Education

Physics (Bach­e­lor/Master)

Bachelor/Master of Education

Rus­sian (Bach­e­lor/Master)

Bachelor/Master of Education

Span­ish (Bach­e­lor/Master)

Bachelor/Master of Education

PhD/Doctoral Programmes

Chem­istry (PhD/Doc­toral Pro­gram­me)

Doktor*in der Naturwissenschaften

Engi­neer­ing Sciences (PhD/Doc­toral Pro­gram­me)

Doktor*in der technischen Wissenschaften

Law (Doc­toral Pro­gram­me)

Doktor*in der Rechtswissenschaften