Research system

Research focus system and doctoral programmes

Research Areas (RA), Research Platforms (RP) and Research Centers (RC) were established 10 years ago to strengthen and highlight the research profile of Innsbruck University. [more...]

Research Areas and Research Platforms are interdisciplinary units with up to 60 habilitated researchers established around a specific research topic. Research Centers are considerably smaller but also bring together highly qualified researchers to work on a common research topic.


The system of Research Areas, Research Platforms and Research Centers is very important for the research efforts of Innsbruck University. [more...]

Researchers organized in the Research Area System are responsible for 85% of all publications in the Web of Science and 75% of all research grants.


The Research Area System is evaluated periodically on the basis of quantitative and qualitative indicators (excellence, coherence, internationalization, research grants). [more...]

After the evaluation speakers of all units present their research results and future research plans at the so called ‘Zukunftsplattform Obergurgl’.

Doctoral Colleges

In 2016 a new structure of internally organized doctoral programmes was introduced in order to further connect research and teaching. The new doctoral colleges are integrated into the Research Area System. [more...]

A doctoral college is a unit formed by several scientists or scholars whose research is of an internationally leading standard. Doctoral candidates are offerd a structured educational program, are integrated in the research process and will spend some time abroad. All Research Areas and Research Platforms aim to establish at least one Doctoral college.

Research Areas

Cultural Encounters – Cultural Conflicts

Digital Science Center (DiSC)

EPoS Economy, Politics & Society

Molecular Biosciences (CMBI)

Mountain Regions


Scientific Computing

Research Platforms

Advanced Materials

Center for Gender Studies Innsbruck (CGI)

Unaffiliated Research Centers

RC Environmental Research and Biotechnology

RC European Integration

RC Federalism (Politics and Law)

RC Gesundheit und Prävention über die Lebensspanne

RC HiMAT – The History of Mining Activities in the Tyrol and adjacent areas: Impact on Environment and Human Societies

RC Innovative Materials, Building Methods and Construction

RC Liechtensteinisches Recht

RC Medizin- und Gesundheitsrecht

RC Philosophy of Religion

RC Sustainable Building

Organigramm Forschungsprofil (englisch)

  Download interactive PDF-organigram (Last updated: 13.07.2022)

For further information concerning the research system or doctoral programmes please contact Doris Mangott und Katharina Pöllmann.

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