Rankings: internationally visible

International Higher Education Rankings regularly prove that the University of Innsbruck – despite the difficult financial preconditions of all Austrian universities – plays an outstanding role as an education and research institution in the European higher education system.

Times Higher Education World University Ranking

According to the university ranking of Times Higher Education (THE WUR), the University of Innsbruck is among the top 23% of universities worldwide in the ranking year 2022/23 and was ranked - not further broken down - 401-500.

In the "International Outlook" sub-evaluation, which measures internationality parameters at the level of a university's staff, students and journal publications, the University of Innsbruck ranked 23rd worldwide in 2022/23.

The ranking is based on a differentiated assessment system, in which especially research, teaching and the international reputation of the universities are evaluated. The University of Innsbruck does particularly well in the area of research impact, i.e. how often research papers are cited by other scientists. This confirms that the work of Innsbruck's scientists is highly regarded internationally in many fields.

In the subject rankings issued by the ranking agency, the University of Innsbruck is represented in a total of eight subjects: Arts & Humanities, Business & Economics, Computer Science, Education, Engineering & Technology, Life sciences, Physical sciences, Psychology

Leiden Ranking

The Leiden Ranking is based solely on bibliometric analyses. This means that the numbers of publications in the Web of Science and the citations by other scientists are taken into account. One of the most commonly used indicators (Mean Normalized Citation Score) also takes into account different sizes of universities, citation cultures of research fields, publication years and types of publications. According to the ranking agency, the University of Innsbruck is among the top 44% worldwide in this indicator.

It is particularly worth mentioning that the University of Innsbruck performs especially well in the "Collaboration indicators". Measured by the number of publications written with foreign partners, the University of Innsbruck will be listed in 22nd place worldwide in 2022 and thus has an outstanding position in the global ranking in terms of networking strength.

Academic Ranking of World Universities („Shanghai-Ranking“)

The Academic Ranking of World Universities (also known as „Shanghai-Ranking“), which uses six indicators from the fields of research, teaching and staff to evaluate international universities, the University of Innsbruck was able to position itself in the range of - not further broken down - places 301-400 in 2022 and thus as the third best university in Austria.

In the subject rankings issued by the ranking agency, the University of Innsbruck is represented in all five fields (Natural Sciences, Engineering, Life Sciences, Medical Sciences and Social Sciences) and a total of 17 subjects.

QS World University Ranking

QS World University Ranking, which, similar to the THE Ranking, is based on comprehensive key figures on research, teaching and institutional conditions, the University of Innsbruck was ranked 308th in the 2023 edition of the ranking and, according to the ranking agency, is among the top 22% worldwide.


U-Multirank is a multidimensional ranking. Approximately 40 different indicators regarding teaching, research, knowledge transfer, internationality and regional outreach are assessed. The ranking, which is co-funded by the European Commission, rates each indicator using grades without displaying an overall result. Here you can find the detailed results of Innsbruck University.

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