University of Innsbruck


Certificates and quality marks

Studierende im Eingangsbereich der Universität
Quality Audit Zertifikat

Credit: Uni Innsbruck/Birgit Pichler

Quality Audit

The University of Innsbruck was the first Austrian university to be certified for its quality management system (QMS) by the Swiss quality assurance agency AAQ in 2014 and recertified in 2021 without conditions. This shows that the university has optimally adapted its internal processes to ensure and increase quality. It is also proof of the high quality in the organization of research and teaching at the University of Innsbruck - not only once did the auditors in the evaluation report make extremely positive reference to sub-areas of research, teaching and personnel development.

Further information: Quality Management

Trend Top-Arbeitgeber Zertifikat

Credit: Uni Innsbruck/Birgit Pichler

Quality mark „Top-Arbeitgeber“

After the years 2017 to 2022, the University of Innsbruck can again count itself among Austria's top employers in 2023. The ranking is conducted annually by the business magazine trend, the statistics portal Statista, the employer rating platform kununu and the career portal Xing. In order to be considered in the top list, employers must have more than 200 employees and be assigned to one of 20 predefined industries.

Career Opportunities

Steinmännchen vor dem Kinderbüro
Gütezeichen familienfreundlicher Arbeitgeber

Credit: Uni Innsbruck

Audit "hochschuleundfamilie"

The good compatibility of work and family is an essential factor for job and study satisfaction at the University of Innsbruck. The audit „hochschuleundfamilie“, which the University has already undergone three times, offers an excellent opportunity to have the diverse measures taken to meet this family-friendly requirement evaluated from outside.

Further information: Staff development

Studiernde in der Sowi
ECTS Label Zertifikat

Credit: Uni Innsbruck/Gerhard Berger

ECTS- and Diploma Supplement-Label

In 2013, the European Commission opened the possibility for universities in the European higher education area to obtain an ECTS and/or Diploma Supplement label for excellence in the practice of credit recognition and transparency. In Austria, the University of Innsbruck is the only full university to hold both the ECTS and the Diploma Supplement-Label.

Further information:
Office for the Bologna Process and Teaching Development

Verleihung Diversitat Preis
Diversitas Logo

Credit: BMBWF/Petra Spiola

Diversitas Award

In 2018, the University of Innsbruck was awarded the "Diversitas" diversity management prize. The Ministry of Education, Science and Research honored the PhD career development program for young scientists with disabilities and/or chronic diseases with the main award. The aim of the program is to support graduates and their integration into the scientific system and to strengthen the scientific presence at the respective institute.

Further information: Diversity-Management

Haller Salzstein
Hochschulfundingpreis Zertifikat

Credit: Manuela Tessaro

University Fundraising Award

In 2020, the University of Innsbruck was honored with the first "DACH University Fundraising Award" for its 350th anniversary. The recognition prize was awarded due to the establishment of the non-profit federal foundation "University of Innsbruck". The foundation was established with a share capital of 2.5 million euros to promote science and education.

Further information: Universität Innsbruck Foundation

Spielfiguren in einer Reihe
Gütesiegel equalitA

Quality mark equalitA

The label "equalitA" is awarded to companies and institutions that promote women internally, that ensure gender equality within the company, and that promote women's careers and make them visible. The University of Innsbruck is one of Austria's universities that actively promotes women within the company and also supports professional gender equality beyond its own institution.

Further information to promotion of women

Überreichung des Zertifikats
Land Tirol - Familienfreundlichster Betrieb 2021

Credit: Land Tirol/Die Fotografen

Tyrol's most family-friendly company

The regional competition "Tyrol's most family-friendly company" brings companies and organisations to the forefront that actively contribute to the compatibility of work and family by implementing family-friendly measures. The University of Innsbruck was able to convince in the category of public companies/institutions and was once again pleased with the first place after 2019.

Career Opportunities

State Prize Family and Career
State Prize Family and Career

State Prize "Family & Career"

Every two years, the Federal Ministry for Women, Family, Integration and Media awards the State Prize "Family & Career" to Austrian companies and institutions for particularly outstanding achievements in the area of family-conscious personnel policy. The University of Innsbruck was once again among the prize winners in 2022.

Career Opportunities

Certificate We are inclusive

We are inclusive

The seal of quality "We are inclusive" is awarded by the Social Services Tyrol to companies and social or public service providers in Tyrol that employ and/or train employees with disabilities and/or chronic illnesses on an equal basis. The University of Innsbruck is characterised by inclusion in various functional areas.

Career Opportunities

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